Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Gamemaker Day 12

Today I learned how to make a character to be invincible, by using "if" function. I used "if" to include everything inside the collision code. that will ignore all the code inside the collision code. I also learned how to make a timer , so that my main character wont have invincible all the times. By using the function "alarm", which will set a time during executing certain code. and the function "image_speed" meaning that changing frame time of the character animation
What I did : today I made my character to have invincible, and set a timer for the invincible.I also made a faded animation for my main character.

The next i'm going improve my game by changing my code in gamemaker.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Gamemaker Day 11

Today I learned a new function call "else{}", this is related to the "if" function". In a "if!(varibale)" function : if the function or variable didn't happen,then it will execute the "else{}" function. I also learned a text function call "string()", which is to draw both real number and strings together.
what I did: I added a lives system. when the players hits the enemy, It will goes back to the original spot without losing. also I added a new global variable "live", and I draw socre: and lives: next the number by using string.

The next day I'm going watch invincility, to add a animation into my main character or enemy.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Gamemaker Day 10

Today I learned how to make the game over whenever the player touch the enemy or the enemy exits the room, then the center of the game will show "Game over" and "press R to restart". I learned a few function today, like "draw_set_halign(fa_center)" and "draw_set_valign(fa_middle)". halign(fa_center) meaning that the text will appear on the horizontal center of the point(x,y). valign(fa_middle) meaning that the text will appear on the vertical center of the point(x,y).
Also I learned a trick that can make the point(x,y) local at the center of the game. by typing room_with/2 and room_height/2. which is half width of the room and half height of the room.
Today I made my game text to new fonts, so it make the game less bored. I made the game over when player touch the enemy or the enemy exits to room.then appear the "gameover" text.

The next Day I'm going to watch Lives, so that player won't lose right away. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Gamemaker Day9

Today I learned new function is call "var" ,meaning is a temporary variable. any variable inside that function will stop at end of the script. also I learned new function call "with", meaning to stop running the code that above "with".
Today I made my main character split into 6 piece of objects, which looks like my main character is dead. of the 6 piece of object , they will split up to different direction and it will self spin around a circle . then my main character will destroy instantly.

The next day I'm going to watch gameover, show that the player lose the game.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Gamemaker Day 8

what I learned: Today I learned a new function call "if(!(variable)), It meaning :if the function or variable happen, then it will execute the code. if the function or variable didn't happen,then it wont execute anything.
what i did : Today I changed my score board to the right side, and i changed the color of the score board. I added spawn into my game, once every enemy object exists the room , it will spawn 4 new enemy on the top.

The next day I'm going watch Dying , To make my main character die. and think of improvement for spawning enemy

Monday, February 20, 2017

Gamemaker Day7

Today I learned how to set a score on my game. and i learned a new function call "Global", it apply to everything room and event and action. If Global.points meaning score apply to the game at any point, and others code wont overwrite points this variable. when a object get destroy, my number in the top left will increase 5. also I added when the enemy object goes outside the room, it will get destroy and restart the game.

The next day I'm going to spawning, then spawn object into my game. so that my game could get more enemy object, it wont be just 4 enemy.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Gamemaker Day 6

Today I learned how to make object disappear when it hits others object, and I learned when an object got destroy,It create an others object going different direction. I made my enemy object to go slowly forward, and when my bullet hits the enemy object. It'll disappear from the game,and the bullet as well. when the enemy hits my main character object, game will automatic restart the game.

The next day Im going to watch score, then set a score for my game. so player can know how much they get

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Gamemaker Day 5

Today I watched a video of collisions, I learned how to make an object randomly move to 360 degree, so that i can make my enemy object move in a 360 degree direction. and if an object touch the main character object. It goes back to the original spot.
The next day I'm going do is to make my enemy object to move in a direction, and add more enemy into my game.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Gamemaker Day4

Today I watched a video of shooting, I learned how to make my character shot out a bullet, so I made my character to shot bullet by pressing space. I also added a wrap screen , whenever my character goes outside the room, It will appear from the other side.


wrap screen:

The next day I'm going to watch collisions, to learn more about GML and make my enemy characters disappear when it got attack.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Gamemaker Day3

Today I watched a video of character movement, I learned how to change the angle of the character while pressing the arrow key. I also find out that i can press F1 to check out all the function and variable of gamemaker. It is a really useful tool, I will be needing it when i'm coding GML.

The next day I'll be learning about more function and variable, so that I could make my first game the way i want.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Gamemaker Day2

Today I learned how the event and the action works, and i learned how to make an object move. I finish watching the basic tutorial. so I made my small character to move by using keyboard, also i added some object to see what i can do with it in the future.
The next day I'm going to learn more about how to use GML, then using some new thing to make my first game.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Gamemaker Day 1

Today I learned how to add a new background, make a sprite into objects in gamemaker. I watched the basic tutorial of gamemaker, so I draw a object and added into to my game background.I havent learn any GML yet, because I'm still learning the basic function of gamemaker, so i made four object into the game and added a background so far.

The next day i'll add more sprite and objects, and countine watching the basic tutorial and learn more about the events and action in gamemaker.