Thursday, March 30, 2017

Gamemaker Day 21

Today I learned how replace the sprite to another and resize the sprite. what i did: I made a level list for the select menu, and made a scripts for my level menu. I made the level menu by using the old concept of  my main menu. both are pretty much the same function and scripts,also I replace my old sprite to my new sprite, which make the main character more better, rather than a box. At first my new sprite doesn't fit on the map ,because it was too big. then i have to resize it by using the transform option.

new script for my level menu:

level 1:

level 2:

my new sprite:

the next day I'm going to make an animation for my main character and remake my enemy sprite.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Gamemaker Day 20

Today I learned how to make select menu for the level, by changing the script of the main menu that i i've made before. what i did is I added a new room,and then added a background to it. the background image size isn't the same as the main menu background , so I had to change the size of my level menu background to fit into the game.

otherwise this will happen:

the next day I'm going to make the list for player to select the level in game.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Gamemaker Day 19

Today I learned how my game to switch room when all the enemy are destroy and a new function call instance_number, this function count the object number , once it reach the number that i code. it will execute the next function. what i did is i made a simple code to count how many enemy were destroy , and then go to the next room. the only problem the my code doesn't count the number of my spawner enemy, so it will just switch room without spawning the enemy.

the next day I'm going to do is make a select menu for level, then make a selection for each level 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Gamemaker Day 18

Today I learned a new function and writing a script, The function "array_length_1d(array)" it could represent a group of variables.
what i did : I made a script that control the action when I press the button enter, also when my arrow point at start , which mean the action would be on "case 0" in my script.

The next day I'm going to do whenever my character shot all of the enemy , the game will switch room

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Gamemaker Day 17

Today I learned  how to create menu and some function. The function "max" allow you to press different button but do the same action.
what I did : I follow the menu tutorial, to made a room for my menu , and  i create some valuable for my menu, so that my room would show text in the menu room . I used the max function to make my menu when i press up enter key or space key, it does the same action: to enter the next room.

The next day I'm going continue finish off the menu for my game, ill have to add a
script on the next day.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Gamemaker Day 16

Today I learned how to make my character to switch room, when my character did something.
What i did : I did when my character shot a enemy, it will go on to the next level, but there are a problem that when my character shot one enemy,it will just switch room with all the enemy still in first room.

The next day I'm going fix the problem that I had : game will go on to the next room when all the enemy are destroy.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Gamemaker Day 15

Today I learned to make "gameover" appear when enemy left the room.
What i did : I put obj_gameover appear into my game when the enemy left the room, so that whenever the enemy left the room , the game won't continue. also I label some of my code in gamemaker, to make my coding more easier to see and understand, and it also easier to fix some certain code.

The next day i'm going to do some improve of my enemy, to make a level and speed up enemy each level.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Gamemaker Day 14

Today I learned how to made my main character to wrap around the room while my character moving smoother, in yesterday post i found my method didn't work , because my main character have no speed while moving.
before i did any fix on movement my character will get stuck if i pressed right and left too fast.
what i did : I followed the movement tutorial, then I changed a little bit of the coding. To make my main character have a speed, so that my main character can wrap around the room.

Before i fix any movement:



before i fixed any movement:

yesterday's post movement:

now it can wrap around the room:

The next day i'm going fix when the enemy exits the room, i will make it pop up gameover, and make my main character stop or dead. so that player cant continue the game.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Gamemaker Day 13

Today I learned how to made my character move a lot more smoother. what I did : I made my character a lot smoother, it wont stuck in one place anymore. It used to stuck in one place if my character press left and right at the same time. Now I found a way to fixed it , its to use drag and drop function.

The Next day I'm going figure how to made my main character stop , when the enemy exits the room.