Monday, June 5, 2017

Gamemaker Day 53 May conculsion and June plan

What I learned in May: I learned a lot of new function in Gamemaker, such as how to use the function "if" more affection in the the game. then I wrapped up my shooting game project, now the shooting game is complete like a official shooting game. it has improve so much from the beginning. the next project is platform, this project has been going well so far, i learned the mistake from the previous project and now the platform are much better than the shooting game. Also I use a few function from the shooting game project apply to the platform game, so that I won't have more difficult time figuring out function.for the platform game moving object around in a room would be spending more time than figuring out a function. but overall in platform game I've been a few function: checkpoint,one way platform, enemy's collision and speed, moving platform.


 one way platform:


moving platform:

Plan on June: basically I'll finish my platform project by the end of June, there are a lot more function that i have to add into the game. also I would create another multiple room , so that the player won't stay in one room forever. this would be my last project of gamemaker.

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