Friday, May 26, 2017

Gamemaker Day 49

Today I learned how to make a check point for my game, but I haven't finish the checkpoint yet. it doesn't do anything for now. what i did : first I create a sprite for my checkpoint outlook, then I colorize it into two color : black and red. and I set "image_speed and image_index" to 0. on the step event I wrote "image_angle +=1", so it made the checkpoint looks more cooler. then I create a new room for the initialize code, basically is to set the variable to that every object can access to this variable. I use "if (global.checkpointR ==room)" to check if the checkpoint is in the room. and i use "if(place_meeting(x,y,obj_player))" to check if the player colliding with the checkpoint. if so then it will change the image_index to 1 , which it will turn red.

the next day I'm going to finish off the checkpoint , so my player would actually goes back to the point

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